HAND DETAILS - $24.55+$2.45 Pot Limit Omaha H/L Tournament, 8 Players


Position Name Stack
MP2 jäää 5,391 (27 bb)
MP3 GeorgAnkle 10,641 (53.2 bb)
CO Karl Marx 15,007 (75 bb)
BTN PokinStaR 4,035 (20.2 bb)
SB elliot1302 3,940 (19.7 bb)
BB Hero 3,000 (15 bb)
UTG+2 rostovskiGarik 2,762 (13.8 bb)
MP1 bastet2004 25,661 (128.3 bb)


Played Date:07/26/2018
Limit:Pot Limit Omaha H/L Tournament
Site:Poker Stars

Preflop: Hero is BB with 6 of spades J of clubs A of spades Q of spades
3 folds, GeorgAnkle raises to 500, Karl Marx folds, PokinStaR calls 500, elliot1302 folds, Hero raises to 2,100, GeorgAnkle raises to 5,250, PokinStaR calls 3,535 and is all-in, Hero calls 900 and is all-in

Flop: (11,170) K of diamonds 3 of hearts 3 of diamonds (3 players, 2 are all-in)
Turn: (11,170) A of diamonds (3 players, 2 are all-in)
River: (11,170) 2 of hearts (3 players, 2 are all-in)

Results: 11,170 pot
Final Board: K of diamonds 3 of hearts 3 of diamonds A of diamonds 2 of hearts
GeorgAnkle showed 2 of spades K of clubs T of spades A of hearts and lost (-4,035 net)
PokinStaR showed 4 of diamonds 5 of hearts 5 of spades K of spades and won 11,170 (7,135 net)
Hero showed 6 of spades J of clubs A of spades Q of spades and lost (-3,000 net)